34.2 km from Ostrow Mazowiecka34.2 km from City Centre
The 4-star Folwark is around 6 minutes' walk from Wooden Statues and has to offer a swimming pool plus a Turkish bath, a treatment room and sauna facilities.
30.7 km from Ostrow Mazowiecka30.7 km from City Centre
Providing access to Regionalna Izba Historyczna, this hotel is a 10-minute walk from Kaplica Krajewskich and offers a gastronomic restaurant.
From£ 46
FAQs about hotels in Ostrow Mazowiecka
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the top cheap hotels in Ostrow Mazowiecka?
There are more than 3 top budget properties in Ostrow Mazowiecka. One of the best budget hotels is Tawerna Akropolis rated 8.4/10 at the cost of 33£ per night, offering a free private carpark, a free carpark, and bar. Zajazd Skalny rated 8.2/10 is one more great hotel, offering a free carpark, 24 hour front desk assistance, and a free private car park, as well as prices from 33£ per one night. To see more cheap hotels go here.
What are the top Ostrow Mazowiecka hotels for couples?
You may book Tawerna Akropolis rated 8.4/10 with free private parking, complimentary parking, and bar. It costs 33£ per night. Zajazd Skalny rated 8.2/10 may also suit you — only 33£ per one night. It features a free carpark, 24-hour front desk, and complimentary private parking.
Ostrow Mazowiecka hotels essential information
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