Weather forecast and hotel bookings for a week in Lubbock, TX, United States
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+20°
Monday03MarchPartly SunnyHigh:+25°Low:+11°
Tuesday04MarchPartly SunnyHigh:+18°Low:+8°
Thursday06MarchPartly SunnyHigh:+20°Low:+8°
7-day weather forecast for Lubbock provides an extended weather forecast for the next 7 days in any city around the globe and helps to find the hotel you like.
Searching for an extended weather forecast in Lubbock for today?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about +22ºC and +10ºC.
Winds will persist through the day from the southwest at 12.22 km/h.
It's forecasted 15% of humidity, followed by 1006 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 30% of cloudiness.
We anticipate squally weather with moderate rain and 1.36 mm of precipitation.
So don't go out without your umbrella.
Looking for an extended weather forecast in Lubbock for tomorrow?
The minimum temperature for March 03: +11ºC and the highest temperature: +25ºC.
It’s forecasted 15% of humidity, followed with southwest winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1004 hPa and 80% of cloudiness.
Need an extended weather forecast for this weekend in Lubbock?
The minimum temperature on Saturday will be +6ºC and the highest temperature will be near +14ºC.
It’s forecasted 15% of humidity, followed by north winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1017 hPa and 3% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Lubbock?
Hampton Inn & Suites Lubbock rated 8.6 is a good choice for your stay. More hotels in Lubbock. Other accommodations are motels, bed & breakfasts, and cottages in Lubbock.