Gubbio (Italy): Weather forecast for the next 7 days and hotel booking
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+9°
Wednesday08JanuaryPartly SunnyHigh:+9°Low:+4°
Sunday12JanuaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+2°Low:-1°
7-day weather forecast for Gubbio provides an up-to-date weather forecast for the next week in any city in the world and helps to find the hotel you like.
Interested in the weather in Gubbio for today?
Temperatures will reach a high near +11ºC and will dip through the evening to +6ºC.
During the day, the wind will come from the south-southwest at 5.83 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1013 hPa with 83% of humidity, and 100% of cloudiness.
We anticipate wet weather with light rain and 0.26 mm of precipitation.
So don't go out without your umbrella.
What is an up-to-date weather forecast for tomorrow in Gubbio?
The minimum temperature for January 07: +5ºC and the highest temperature: +10ºC.
Average humidity 83%. Average winds will be south-southwest at 7.78 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1009 hPa and 80% of cloudiness.
Looking for an up-to-date weather forecast in Gubbio for this weekend?
Saturday’s maximum daytime temperature: +9ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +6ºC.
Average humidity 83%. Average winds will be north-northeast at 3.89 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1016 hPa and 100% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Gubbio?
Nikis Resort and Hotel Tre Ceri are the most recommended by guests. Feel free to check more hotels in Gubbio.