Cagayan de Oro (Philippines): Weather forecast and hotel reservations
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+29°
7-day weather forecast for Cagayan de Oro gives an extended weather forecast in any city around the globe.
Searching for an extended weather forecast in Cagayan de Oro for today?
Maximum daytime temperature will be +29ºC and the minimum +24ºC.
During the day, the wind will come from the north-northwest at 3.33 km/h.
It's forecasted 73% of humidity, followed by 1010 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 95% of cloudiness.
We anticipate wet weather with moderate rain followed by 7.45 mm of precipitation.
So don't forget to get your umbrella.
Looking for an extended weather forecast in Cagayan de Oro for tomorrow?
The minimum temperature for January 08: +24ºC and the highest temperature: +29ºC.
Average humidity 73%. Average winds will be north-northwest at 3.61 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1010 hPa and 92% of cloudiness.
Need an extended weather forecast for this weekend in Cagayan de Oro?
The minimum temperature on Saturday will be +24ºC and the highest temperature will be near +28ºC.
Average humidity 73%. Average winds will be north-northwest at 2.78 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1011 hPa and 100% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Cagayan de Oro?
Seda Centrio and Mallberry Suites Business Hotel are the most recommended by guests. More hotels in Cagayan de Oro. Feel free to check resorts or apartments.