Weather forecast and hotel booking in Berlin, Germany
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+4°
Sunday02FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+4°Low:0°
Monday03FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+4°Low:0°
Tuesday04FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+5°Low:0°
Thursday06FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+4°Low:+1°
Friday07FebruaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+4°Low:0°
Feels Like:+39°
Sunday02FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+39°Low:+32°
Monday03FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+40°Low:+32°
Tuesday04FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+41°Low:+31°
Thursday06FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+40°Low:+33°
Friday07FebruaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+39°Low:+33°
7-day weather forecast for Berlin is offering a truthful weather forecast report for 7 days in Berlin and other cities worldwide.
Need a truthful weather forecast for today in Berlin?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about +5ºC and +1ºC.
Winds will persist through the day from the west at 3.33 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1032 hPa with 76% of humidity, and 100% of cloudiness.
Interested in a truthful weather in Berlin for tomorrow?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +4ºC and minimum temperature near 0ºC.
It’s forecasted 76% of humidity, followed with north-northwest winds.
It’s followed by 1027 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 54% cloud coverage.
Looking for a place to stay in Berlin?
We can recommend Radisson Collection Hotel, Berlin in Berlin (rating: 8.4) for a pleasant stay. More hotels in Berlin. You can also choose apartments, hostels, aparthotels in Berlin.
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