Seattle Children's

4800 Sand Point Way Northeast

Seattle Childrens Hospital

Seattle Children's Hospital is a pediatric medical center located in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1907, the hospital has a long history of providing top-quality medical care to children in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The hospital offers a wide range of services, including cancer treatment, cardiology, neurology, and more.

While Seattle Children's Hospital may not be a typical tourist destination, it is a location worth visiting for those interested in healthcare and medical research. The hospital is home to the Seattle Children's Research Institute, which conducts groundbreaking research into childhood diseases and disorders. Visitors can take a guided tour of the research facilities and learn about the various ongoing projects and collaborations. Additionally, the hospital hosts various events and fundraisers throughout the year, such as the annual "Strong Against Cancer" benefit concert, which features performances by popular musicians and raises money for childhood cancer research. Overall, Seattle Children's Hospital is a valuable resource for both locals and tourists in Seattle, offering top-quality medical care and innovative research programs that are making a real difference in the lives of children and families.

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