Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis

Eli Lilly and Company

Eli Lilly and Company, a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, offers a unique and educational experience for tourists interested in science, medicine, and the history of healthcare. Founded in 1876 by Civil War veteran Colonel Eli Lilly, the company has been at the forefront of medical innovation for well over a century. Visitors can gain insights into the company's rich history and its achievements, such as the development of the first commercial insulin in 1923 and other breakthrough therapeutic advancements.

While touring the premises, visitors can appreciate the stunning architecture of the original buildings as well as the state-of-the-art complex now occupying more than 25 acres in downtown Indianapolis. Eli Lilly's commitment to art can be seen through various sculptures and art installations throughout their campus. A visit to Eli Lilly and Company allows tourists to immerse themselves in the world of medical research, learn about vital drug discoveries, and admire the architectural and artistic features that make this location a hidden gem within Indianapolis.

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