Ernest Hemingway House in Key West

Ernest Hemingway House

Ernest Hemingway House is a popular tourist destination located in Key West, Florida. It was the residence of the famous American novelist, Ernest Hemingway, for almost ten years during the 1930s. The Spanish Colonial-style architecture of the house is a beautiful sight to behold, and it remains largely unchanged since Hemingway's time. Visitors can explore Hemingway’s writing studio, view the original furnishings, and hear stories of Hemingway's life and work from expert guides. This national historic landmark is also home to approximately 40-50 polydactyl (six-toed) cats, which are descendants of the author's own pet cat, Snow White.

Tourists visiting the Ernest Hemingway House have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history and creative atmosphere that influenced some of Hemingway's most notable works, like 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' and 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro.' In addition to the house tour, visitors can explore the beautifully landscaped gardens featuring a unique urinal-turned-fountain, which Hemingway purportedly salvaged from a nearby bar. With its distinctive charm, stunning architecture, and captivating history, a visit to the Ernest Hemingway House offers an unforgettable experience for literature enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

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