Free Photos of Nishiki Market in Kyoto

中京区西大文字町609 (富小路通四条上ル)

Nishiki Market - Information


Nishiki Market, also known as 'Kyoto's Kitchen,' is a popular shopping street located in downtown Kyoto, Japan. It has been around for over 400 years, and it is a great place to visit for foodies and tourists alike. The market is a narrow shopping arcade that is home to over 100 shops and restaurants, offering a wide variety of food and traditional Kyoto goods. Here, visitors can find local delicacies such as fresh seafood, pickles, tea, and sweets. The market is particularly busy during festivals such as the Kyoto Gion Matsuri, which takes place in July. A visit to Nishiki Market provides a unique insight into Kyoto's food culture and history.

Nishiki Market - Location

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