Victoria Bug Zoo

631 Courtney St

The Victoria Bug Zoo, located in downtown Victoria, Canada, has been captivating visitors since its opening in 1997. This mini zoo offers a unique opportunity to observe and interact with live tropical bugs from around the world. With an impressive collection of approximately 50 species, including giant walking sticks, beautiful praying mantises, glow-in-the-dark scorpions, hairy tarantulas, and Canada’s largest ant colony, the Victoria Bug Zoo provides an immersive experience for bug enthusiasts and even the more skeptical visitors. The knowledgeable tour guides not only introduce visitors to the fascinating world of bugs but also offer a wealth of information about the animals on display and provide a safe bug handling experience for those who are more adventurous. Visitors to the Victoria Bug Zoo can choose the level of interaction they have with the friendly bugs while also capturing unforgettable moments with their cameras. The displays are constantly changing, ensuring that every visit offers something new and exciting. The Zoo's guided tours, always in progress, provide visitors with a seamless and informative experience, no matter when they come to visit. Whether you are a child, an adult, or a bug enthusiast, the hands-on adventure at the Victoria Bug Zoo is sure to thrill everyone. Its accessibility, ever-changing exhibits, and engaging interaction opportunities make it a must-see location for those exploring Victoria, BC. With its ever-changing displays and knowledgeable tour guides, the Victoria Bug Zoo is an excellent stop for anyone visiting Victoria, BC. It offers an opportunity to learn about and engage with an extensive collection of invertebrates from around the world, making it an unforgettable and educational experience for all visitors.

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