Fort Langley National Historic Site in Maple Ridge

23433 Mavis Avenue

The Fort Langley National Historic Site, located 4km west of its original location, is a significant cultural and historical destination for tourists in Maple Ridge, Canada. Initially established as a fur-trading post in 1827, the fort later transitioned its focus to farming and fishing, playing a pivotal role as the site where James Douglas announced the creation of British Columbia in 1858. The fort's historical significance is further underscored by its designation as a national historic site in 1923. Visitors to Fort Langley can engage in highly educational historical re-enactments, including a working blacksmith’s forge, a cooper exhibit, and musket-firing demonstrations. The site's reconstructed 'Big House' and re-created living quarters provide an immersive experience that delves into BC’s birth, making it a compelling destination for history enthusiasts. Despite being a careful recreation of the 19th-century originals, Fort Langley offers an array of unique features and activities. Guided tours are available several times a day, providing enriching insights into the historical and cultural significance of the site. Additionally, visitors can explore a portion of the wooden ramparts and engage in interactive experiences such as guided tours and self-guided trails within the park. The fort's wildlife enclosure and theater enhance the overall visitor experience, adding a layer of authenticity and depth to the historical narrative. The site's efforts in restoration projects and preservation endeavors showcase a commitment to maintaining the rich historical and cultural significance of Fort Langley for future generations to appreciate and learn from. Alongside its historical importance, the Fort Langley National Historic Site offers a valuable opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the unique landscape and natural surroundings. The site provides access to popular hiking trails and viewpoints, where visitors can observe the diverse flora and fauna present in the area. Visitors can also learn about the geological processes that have shaped the landscape, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural and historical highlights along the hiking trails. With its rich historical narrative and immersive experiences, Fort Langley stands out as a must-visit destination for tourists seeking to explore Maple Ridge's cultural heritage and natural beauty.